Track of the Week: Chaka Khan, “Love With No Strings”

If there were any bit of a silver lining to Whitney Houston’s passing, to me it was seeing Chaka Khan on TV being interviewed. She looked terrific, she sounded great and she was really in control of the situations I saw her in on the teevee, which amongst the usual slavering media idiocy that week was like a cold Rolling Rock in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
Chaka Khan was one of those musicians who reached me through my little transistor radio in Coos Bay and showed me the power of vibrating molecules to produce this kind of cinematic euphoria. Such a powerful voice, with such extreme finesse and range in every way, it was like LeBron James dancing Swan Lake. So when Gary Haase got the call to produce a track for Chaka, and called me to co-produce it with him, it was quite a thrill, to say the least.
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